You know deeply in your soul that your mission is one of industry-leading service, thriving community, and next-level income


This is the year you grow your business and life to wildest dreams status.

Apply Today

Ali Cabana

Yoga teacher and mindset coach

Went from unfulfilled dental hygienist to thriving wellpreneur with a sold out coaching practice and retreats.


You're not a beginner. You’ve been in business for a couple of years now but you're tired of doing it all while feeling stuck financially. You know there's a better way.

It's time to simplify, stabilize, and scale your business to 6 figures+ with the freedom that you started this business for. 

I’ve been there too and it’s so frustrating when you KNOW you have all the expertise and potential but it feels like something just isn’t clicking yet.

5 years ago I was doing it all in business like I'm sure you are right now, teaching yoga and hosting events, leading international retreats and a yearly wellness festival, selling products, and launching coaching offers but still not making the consistent income I desired.

I was starting to feel burnt out, overwhelmed, and like I was at my capacity.

I went from hustling my booty off, dealing with too many difficult clients who were draining my energy, and constantly launching wondering if it was ever going to get easier to having $50k launches while 9 months pregnant and a ton of white space on my calendar to be a new mom. Selling $5k and $10k+ packages to epic women who found me on Instagram, feel easy to work with while getting incredible results, refer me to others, and endlessly thank me for how my work has changed their lives.

& I want this for YOU too

 & I know without a doubt this is not only possible for you too but SO much closer than you think.

Amanda had a $20k sales day

Like my client Amanda who was averaging $1k/month in her fitness business who after 2 months in my mastermind created her first program and had a $20k sales day on the first day of her launch with JOY and EASE.

Ali generated $28k in sales

Ali a yoga teacher and wellness coach who finally launched the retreat she had been dreaming about and sold it out in 2 weeks generating $28k of sales.

Livia sold out twice

Livia a wellness coach, yoga teacher, and event planner who turned her 1:1 offer into a group and sold it out TWICE within 4 months of working together in the Flourish Mastermind.

Myrthe against the odds

Myrthe a breathwork facilitator and life coach who shared at the start of our time together that she has a chronic illness and won't be able to push herself going on to increase YTD profit by over 40% while experiencing more ease in the process.

I could go on and on but you get the picture. All of these women have one thing in common, they were in the same place you are RIGHT NOW desiring MORE out of their life and business and knowing they had untapped potential and there was a better way of reaching it. They felt the pull to work together along with the nerves of investing and they chose their dreams over their excuses.

I know this journey WELL.

And if you’re selling high ticket successfully but feel ready to blow the top off by clarifying your unique messaging angle and creating a simple system for conversion to truly SCALE with more dream fit clients, less 1:1 time commitment, and more joy and ease in the process, I can help you get there 🤝🏼

YES! I'm Ready to Simplify + Scale!

Livia Mirati

founder of Ina Wellness Collective, yoga teacher and wellness coach

Sold out her group coaching program within 2 months of working together! Now has created more time freedom, more abundance, & more impact while simplifying her business 🤍


Imagine this...

 You are earning your highest income months and selling offers priced higher than anything you've ever sold before with EASE and JOY. No more refreshing the sales page 100 times to see if anyone has bought or stressing that maybe no one will.

 You lead sold out events and retreats that transform lives and leave you feeling like you're floating on a cloud. No more leaving money on the table either - you have dialed in profit margins and clear next steps for your attendees.

 You are able to work the hours that are nourishing to your desired lifestyle because you have created financial freedom that doesn't rely on all of your 1:1 time. Gone are the days of seeing 8 clients back to back with barely enough time to eat or go to the bathroom just to earn the income you desire.

 You feel supported and at ease to take trips or time off because you have passive income streams and monthly recurring revenue that pay you thousands per month even when you aren't trading your time for money.

 You are crystal clear and know exactly who you're speaking to in your marketing and how to make them feel seen, heard, validated, and empowered to make the leap to work with you so any stress or anxiety around showing up on social or executing your marketing plan melts away. You feel clear, confident, innovative, and like the badass industry leader you are. Perfect fit clients are dropping from the sky to work with you.

 Because your message is now so clear and uniquely you, any competition falls off. You are speaking boldly in your thought leadership so you start magnetizing speaking opportunities, features, collaborations, and rapid community growth.

 You have an epic tribe of like-minded women and coach who sees and pulls out your fullest power to lovingly push you towards your highest goals and support you on this path. Gone are the days of lone wolfing your business and trying to figure everything out as you go.

You don't have to imagine much longer with the support of THE FLOURISH MASTERMIND

So what do YOU need to flourish as a wealthy & well CEO?

Flourish provides you with everything you need to claim your place as a wealthy & well CEO.

An Entire Year of LIVE Coaching

Potent and Powerful Trainings

Monthly Content Labs

The Most Beautiful Community

Inside of Flourish, we focus on: 

Energetic alignment so that you can step into greater confidence, clarity, personal power and becoming the match for the massive vision longing to be seen. 

Leveraging HOT offers and simple business systems that light your soul on fire, are irresistible to your community, and support your scale with freedom to grow a beautiful life at the forefront.

Elevating your brand, marketing, and thought leadership to not only stand out but to take your industry by storm as the go-to choice for your dream clients.

Growing your community and finding your soul tribe. Community is everything and you'll grow yours online and IRL.

Making easeful sales and generating more wealth allowing your business to finally pour into and support you as much as you pour into it.

This is Exactly What I've Been Wanting!

When You Join Flourish, You'll Receive:

Monthly LIVE Business Coaching Calls to get all of your questions answered and have my 1:1 support in your business growth ($24k value)

✦ Monthly Content Labs to generate highly converting ideas with greater ease and direct feedback on your copy. ($12k+)

 Group voxer coaching (Tue. - Thurs.) for on the go support and celebrations, even MORE personalized support! (Value $10k)

The most beautiful community hub of soul-led coaches, healers, and wellness entrepreneurs available to you 24/7 ($5k value but really priceless)

 All-Access Pass to all of my transformational programs including The Wellpreneur Business Accelerator, Slay on Social Bundle, Elevated Events, and Soul Revival ($10k value) 

 Guest Experts + my entire training vault with wealthy & well industry leaders ranging from somatic healing, content creation, wealth energetics, and podcasting for entrepreneurs ($5k value) 

Easily $60k+ in value

for only $8k total or $699 monthly

Let's Do This!

Your Fast-Track to Wealthy & Well Entrepreneurship

Pay In Full: $8,000 or Pay Monthly: $699 x 12


Or go VIP to receive quarterly 1:1 coaching sessions plus 1:1 Voxer coaching with Kat for an entire year (limited availability): $12k in full or $1,111 x 12
Apply Now!

Meet Your Mentor

Founder of the Wealthy & Well Woman and Be Well Events, Kat Cynewski

Kat Cynewski is a sales manager turned 6 figure business coach for coaches and wellness leaders. Host of the Wealthy & Well Woman podcast and founder of Be Well Events. She helps visionary, soul led women in business step into their power, monetize their magic, and scale to 6 figures and beyond in their heart centered business.

 As a new mom with a very full life growing her business with freedom and simplicity are more important now than ever before and she loves helping you simplify your growth to live more of your LIFE whether that's to be a mom, travel on a whim, or be able to spend Thursday afternoon at the spa as your Stripe payments pop off.



I'm Ready To Leap!

EUDAIMONIA is the perfect space for you if:

 You teach the classes and see the clients you WANT at the times that are nourishing to your lifestyle because you have the support of a profitable online program that gives you financial freedom. Gone are the days of running around teaching 15 classes a week at all different times and different locations, or seeing 8 clients back to back with barely enough time to eat or go to the bathroom just to earn the income you desire.

You feel supported and at ease to take trips or time off for things like maternity leave or an injury because you have passive income streams and monthly reoccurring revenue that pay you thousands per month even when you aren't trading your time for money.

You are crystal clear and know exactly who you're speaking to in your marketing and how to make them feel seen, heard, validated, and empowered to make the leap to work with you so any stress or anxiety around showing up on social or executing your marketing plan melts away. You are left feeling clear, confident, innovative, and like the badass industry leader you are and perfect fit clients are dropping from the sky to work with you.

Because your message and niche are now so clear and uniquely you, any competition falls off. You are speaking boldly in your thought leadership so you start magnetizing speaking opportunities, features, collaborations, and community growth.


You don't have to imagine much longer with the support of EUDIAMONIA