Where soul led women in business, coaches, healers, creatives, and wellness leaders FLOURISH in their business and life. 

Maximize your profit, ground your energy, grow your brand, create transformational offers, master your marketing, slay on social, and plan magical events and retreats

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Client Love/ Results


- Allie (Hormone Health Coach) 

Eudaimonia has been a staple for building my Wellness Coaching business and reaching my goals over the past year.

For the last year, Eudaimonia has been an absolute staple for the building of my business. Each month, I look forward to the opportunity to connect with Kat and other amazing, powerful women experiencing similar challenges and wins in their business. 

Whether it's ideas that are sparked through other's experiences, recommendations and guidance provided by Kat, or realizations that I come to on my own, this time allows a dedicated space for growth and evolvement. I leave each monthly container feeling motivated, driven, and validated to embark on my next project, offer, or promotional strategy. 

If it wasn't for the consistency, support, and accountability that Kat offers through Eudaimonia, I can guarantee, I would let fear and hesitation stall me from working toward and accomplishing my business goals.

- Meghan (Forbes Top 50 Executive Recruiter + Career Clarity & Business Coach) 

Meghan grew her network with biz besties, gained clarity and confidence in marketing, aligned her pricing + offers to her financial goals, set better business boundaries, strengthened her brand voice, and simplified success.

I love the high-touch approach and course outline with the videos, worksheets and one on one coaching.  The community for MYM was incredible and those in the program with me I feel are new friends and supporters of my business adventures cheering for me as well, which is really beautiful to see.  Kat has an incredible insight on how you need to show up and present yourself online and through your messaging to attract your ideal clients.

Feeling more comfortable talking about my offerings and revisiting my pricing and programs to align with my financial goals while also setting better boundaries in my business.

Feeling of having better clarity on what I offer and how I can deliver results to my clients and talking about it in a way where someone can say “oh I need this” and understand what they can get out of working with me.  Strengthening my voice in a way.

I feel more empowered to make meaningful changes in my business and let of things that I was saying YES to that were no longer serving me or my goals

The energy was incredible, Kat has such a warm and compassionate soul but also will dig to allow you to go deeper, holding space for days you may be feeling scattered and off and helping you to get back on track without making you feel guilty or shameful that you did not hit the mark that week.  It was such a great group.

100%, if you are looking to transform your life or business, Kat’s programs I would highly recommend!

- Zephi (Healer & Women's Leadership Coach) 

Zephi has simplified her process in getting results, built her confidence as a coach, had her best pulled out and says that her investment in Eudaimonia has paid back 10 fold!

I can’t say enough about Kat and her approach to leadership coaching. She is so kind, smart, savvy and extremely generous with her time, content and desire to help above all.

I have felt so held and lifting up being in Eudaimonia. That investment has payed back 10 fold. I had no idea what would happen 6 months in and because I had invested in the year long program I had her support. I was able to move through some challenges and not quit when I might have otherwise.

What I have loved the most, among many things, is her ability to keep things really simple and get results. I am a more confident coach because of her. She truly sees you and pulls out your best even when you can’t always see it.

Every program she does is gold and so much that I am doing monetize your magic for the second time. I can’t wait.

If you are looking at jumping in….I HIGHLY SUGGEST her as a coach. And she is FUN and will make you laugh. 💫


- Michaela (Self Love Life Coach and Founder of More Positivity) 

Anyone who is creating an online business NEEDS this program- actually EVERY business owner needs this!

I had already been building my business, but right out of the gate MYM took it to an entirely new level that I couldn’t have ever imagined.

Between the in-depth modules that are PACKED with knowledge and a clear pathway to success, to Kat’s compassion, guidance, and innate ability to help you bring your vision into reality, Monetize Your Magic will change the way you show up as a business owner.

Not only by providing the most valuable information but also by guiding you to implement the key part of success, the way you show up for yourself confidently and boldly.

- Ali (Yoga and Wellness Coach)

Kat perfectly balances strategy, passion, and soul.

Her support and energy as a coach & fellow sister in the wellness world is so powerful. I feel vastly different personally and professionally after just two months of Kat's program.

When I signed up for Monetize Your Magic, all I had was a business vision clouded by fears and a lack of knowledge or the confidence to bring it to fruition.

Kat's program educated me and gave me tangible steps to build a business with impact and passion. 

I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with Kat, and look forward to more opportunities to do so!

- Katie (Holistic Dentist & Wellness Mentor)

Kat is a wealth of knowledge and offers such good organizational systems to turn thoughts into an actual offer. 

Before working with Kat I had so many ideas but I had no idea how to make it a reality.

Kat helped me create a program that flows and organized all my ideas into one cohesive offering.

She taught me how to effectively set up a sales page, create a branding palette, and batch create content, and she helped with all the logistics that I didn't know how to tackle. (Welcome emails, mailing lists, payment systems, how to set a price point, how to identify your clients, really everything.)

She helped me see my skill set and who it could help, and showed me how to connect to those people.

She taught me how to talk to my ideal client, and how to attract them. She also gave me a great deal of confidence and clarity in what I can offer, and to who

- Danielle (Yoga Teacher/Trainer & Wellness Coach)

When I first began working with Kat, I was succeeding in every way, even more quickly than I had imagined! 

I've learned how to market, promote and SELL over social media and with Kat's help, I've doubled my social media following!!

The biggest non-tangible result from working with Kat has been a shift in confidence. Most importantly it was the COURAGE to be able to sell something online. 

This shift of talking into the camera and putting my work out there has been an invaluable lesson for me!

For anyone who is looking to grow their business I would 100% recommend working with Kat and her mentorship program!