Starts in….














Unlock time and financial freedom inside of...







The 12 week business accelerator where coaches and wellpreneurs create, market, and sell their signature offer

 The 12 week business accelerator where wellness entrepreneurs rapidly grow their business by creating, marketing, and selling out their online offer

If you're ready to create an offer you're known for to maximize your earning potential with more time freedom... you've landed in the right place.


Danielle, Women's Wellness Coach + Barre/Yoga Instructor

Danielle created her first coaching program, sold it out making over $12k in sales with a full waitlist signed up for the second round, and was able to leave her nursing career for good!


As a wellness entrepreneur and coach myself I know you have one major goal in your heart: 

To transform people’s lives.

You want to deeply transform lives, receive raving reviews, grow your community, and make abundant money, all while keeping your heart-centered mission at the forefront. 

Right now this may feel like a stretch for you though. You have lost the time for your own self care and are waking up at the crack of dawn to run out the door and teach an early class before racing around town, hustling at your day job, or seeing clients back to back with barely enough time to eat your lunch.

You LOVE your work and this is allowing you to make a good income but the truth is you want to make a lot more money and you know there’s a better way. 

That’s where I come in helping you add in a profitable and more passive revenue stream to your business in the form of a signature offer.

Whether you’re a yoga teacher, fitness coach, nutritionist, massage therapist, healer, therapist, etc.  you have the knowledge and skills that so many people need and WANT to invest in and I’m the person who helps you put it all together, package it, market it, and sell it to start running your business in a way that’s set up to make more money without you needing to work more.

 (Here’s your reminder that you can and should make BIG money—especially as a wellness leader. (The world needs your gifts.)

Stepping into this next level will require a new level of growth.

It’s going to require expanding into the next level version of yourself as you package your expertise into comprehensive offers your audience clings to. It’s going to require expansion as you learn how to market and sell—in a way that still feels incredible, of course - no bro marketing tactics here.

The next iteration of your business comes down to the evolution you’re about to go through. One that requires grounded strategy and energetic shifts to meet the passion you have burning inside you and to make the money your soul is craving.

Are you ready for it?

Everything you need to scale to your desired income is already inside of you, it’s shown itself as you’ve moved through business up until this point. It’s the scrappy ways you’ve already expanded by leveraging the academy of Google, podcasts, free trainings, books, or online courses, but you know this next shift is deeper—it needs aligned direction from someone who has personally gone through what you’re wanting to create to help you get the results you’re craving. 

Stepping into the next level of leadership will require a new level of growth.

It’s going to require expanding into the next level of yourself as you grow through putting all of your epic ideas into comprehensive offers your audience clings to. It’s going to require expansion as you grow through learning how to market and sell—in a way that still feels incredible, of course. 

The next iteration of your business comes down to the evolution you’re about to go through. One that requires grounded strategy and energetic shifts to meet the passion you have burning inside you and to maximize the profits your soul is craving.

Are you ready for it?

Everything you need to scale to your desired income is already inside of you, it’s shown itself as you’ve moved through business up until this point. It’s the scrappy ways you’ve already expanded by leveraging the academy of Google, free trainings, podcasts, books, or online courses, but you know this next shift is deeper—it needs aligned direction from someone who has personally gone through what you’re wanting to create to help you get the results you’re craving.

You're probably capping your income right now by… 

  • Selling one-off coaching calls, low cost bundles, or maxed in 1:1
  • Trying to teach more classes or offer more services, but knowing it will lead to burning out
  • Using Instagram on and off to attract some clients, but knowing deep down what you’re currently doing won’t effectively grow an engaged community and convert clients
  • Marketing your offers but not seeing the results you desire and know there’s a better way 

…And completely revamping these strategies to soar to an additional $5k, $10k, $20k months and beyond online. To  the level you know you’re made for. 

You know continuing to work the same way you’ve worked from day one won’t bring you the results you want (or allow you to sell a multi 4-figure offer).

You’re feeling ready and eager to welcome in a proven process to take you from overwhelmed to aligned and abundant with a business that continues to pour into you for the long haul. 

This means actionable steps you can use to bundle your skills into an irresistible signature offer, market it effectively, increase leads, and sell out over and over. 

That’s what you really want, right?

Just imagine how fulfilling it will be when you’re able to:

  • Create a new passive stream of revenue in your business that adds $5k, $10k, $20k+ to your monthly income
  • Wake up in the morning on your own time, have a slow morning making your eggs and cold brew while finally having the time for YOUR self care.
  • Finally quit your high paying corporate job and go full time in your wellness business
  • Stay home with your children or work from anywhere AND be profitable enough to truly live in overflow 
  • Charge more than you ever have before
  • Gain the skills and confidence to sell your offer with ease 
  • Overcome any false beliefs that your offer isn’t as good as other peoples or that all “good” ideas have been done 
  • Feel deeply valued in your work of helping others

You won't need to imagine much longer with the Wellpreneur Business Accelerator!

Are you ready for it? 

You can feel it in your soul that now is the time to make bigger strides in your business.

You know you’re meant to be sharing your unique gifts with the world and you’re ready to turn your dreams into reality and lean into the abundance that’s waiting for you.

It’s time you take a peek inside… 

THE in-depth business program to create, market, and sell out your signature offer. 

In the Wellpreneur Business Accelerator you will receive the exact tools, simplified systems, and every step to share your expertise. You'll create a profitable and aligned offer and master mesmerizing messaging to move your audience to purchase, even though the price point is higher than anything you’ve ever sold before. 


- Michaela (Self Love Life Coach and Founder of More Positivity) 

Wellpreneur Business Accelerator is quite literally - MAGIC!

I had already been building my business, but right out of the gate WBM took it to an entirely new level that I couldn’t have ever imagined.

Between the in-depth modules that are PACKED with knowledge and a clear pathway to success, to Kat’s compassion, guidance, and innate ability to help you bring your vision into reality, the Wellpreneur Business Accelerator will change the way you show up as a business owner.

Not only by providing the most valuable information but also by guiding you to implement the key part of success, the way you show up for yourself confidently and boldly.

Anyone who is creating an online business NEEDS this program- actually EVERY business owner needs this!

- Ali (Yoga and Wellness Coach)

Kat perfectly balances strategy, passion, and soul.

Her support and energy as a coach & fellow sister in the wellness world is so powerful. I feel vastly different personally and professionally after just two months of Kat's program.

When I signed up for WBA, all I had was a business vision clouded by fears and a lack of knowledge or the confidence to bring it to fruition.

Kat's program educated me and gave me tangible steps to build a business with impact and passion. 

I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with Kat, and look forward to more opportunities to do so!

Here's what you'll learn in WBA:

Module 1: Energy & Your Unique Value Proposition

I'll guide you to unapologetically own who you are and define YOUR unique method so that you eliminate the competition and show that YOU are the person to buy from. 

Module 2: Dial in Your Message

No more doing ALL THE THINGS with your mind bouncing in a million directions leading to confusion, frustration, or overwhelm. You will nail down your messaging while getting crystal clear on your dream client and what moves her to buy, TODAY. 

PS you also get monthly copy reviews for direct feedback on your posts, emails, and sales pages 

Module 3 & 4: Irresistible Offer Development

You’re going to feel more confident than ever after these trainings teaching you the A to Z in organizing your offer that keeps your client results at the forefront. These modules teach you how to do this like conducting market research, pricing your offer, and putting all the details together with ease. 

Module 5: Aligned Community Growth

A big part of growing your business is the way you position yourself online as a leader. This is going to help you sharpen your leadership skills and build a deeper relationship with your audience. You will learn how to establish authority and bake the know, like, and trust factor into your strategy which will make selling 4 figure offers in the DM's feel easeful.

Module 6: Simple Systems

Systems are what will help you make money in your sleep (and I promise, it won’t be complicated! I'm all about simple and effective). We’ll cover booking systems, client management, energy efficiency, payment processors, scheduling, sales calls, and more to make sure you can get paid as you're running through the airport to teach your next dreamy, sold out retreat.

Module 7 & 8: Launch Magic

Ready for your stripe to blow up on your way to your noon fitness class? You'll be learning my wealthy & well woman sales plan that will give you all the support you need to effectively sell your program (aka cha cha ching on the sales front)! 

This program truly covers everything you need to effectively create and sell an in-demand high-ticket offer! 

Plus, a BONUS! 

To make implementing even easier


Get the Slay on Social Bundle  (Value $888) to master Instagram marketing and create posts that lead to $2k, $5k, & $10k+ sales in the DM's along with done-for-you plug-and-play social media templates, launch prompts, and scheduling tips to make this launch and future launches a breeze!


What’s Included:

8 dialed in training modules to walk you step by step through the process and break down the “how” of achieving your goal

Well over 50 pages of no-fluff workbooks and resources to help you implement everything you’re learning with ease

9 LIVE coaching calls so that you feel completely supported along the way getting all of your questions answered and fully integrate the training material for fast action

Group voxer coaching for back pocket support and celebrations with a group of amazing, like-minded women who have the same drive and heart-centered values to support and celebrate you along the way

Lifetime access to InstaBiz Growth Accelerator Course ($597 value) to give you all the tools you need to maximize your growth on Instagram

The Slay on Social Bundle ($888 value) to give you all the tools you need to master your marketing on Instagram

Monthly (3) Copy Labs. That's right, my eyes on your copy to help you make high level tweaks and explain WHY so that you convert to clients while building your copy skills. I'll help you name your offer, create a highly converting sales page, and plan your social media posts.

Katy, Cycle Studio Owner


What's The Investment?



  • 8 dialed in masterclass trainings
  • Over 50 pages of no-fluff workbooks and resources 
  • 9 LIVE Q&A coaching calls 
  • 3 copy reviews
  • Group Voxer Coaching
  • BONUS Slay on Social Bundle (Value $888)




  • Everything included in the payment plan option
  • PLUS receive a 1:1 kick off call for paying in full (Value $1,111)



  • Everything included in the regular access PLUS
  • 2 1:1 coaching calls with Kat (Value $2222)
  • 3 months of 1:1 Voxer access with Kat (Value $3,000)

"If it wasn't for this program I wouldn't be here today and I probably would have given up on my business."

I’ve heard it before, and while clients I’ve worked with have achieved incredible results like leaving their 9-5, creating more freedom than ever before, gaining more clarity and confidence, and making their investment back before even starting the program, I need you to know… 

It’s you who holds the power to create your most aligned and fulfilled business. 

I’m confident in my abilities as a coach to get you the results you desire and deserve because the truth is…


You CAN and SHOULD make more money, impact more people’s lives, feel super clear and confident in how you show up, and adore your work.

I’m OBSESSED with helping you do just that.

This is the container where we supercharge your goals and you bring to life everything you’ve been manifesting in your business for so long. 

It's time to stop dreaming about it and turn it into your new reality.

You will gain so much in this container while being held in the process. 

You’ll be able to live in overflow by helping more dream clients along the way do the same, it will lead you to unlock:

  • Going from an employee to a true CEO
  • Creating an aligned and transformational signature offer based on your own unique expertise and edge
  • Knowing exactly how to reach and convert your dream clients online
  • Having all the tools and foundational steps to scale your offer to 6-figures+ with greater ease
  • Gaining massive clarity and confidence in your business by mastering your messaging 
  • Learning how to launch with a repeatable strategy so that you can increase sales 

It's time to increase your income and impact by reaching more people and serving them at a deeper level  

Danielle, Holistic Esthetician

Danielle expanded her skincare business from all in person work to online group programs, and dialed in her messaging to attract more dream fit clients for both her online and in person work.


Kat, Am I ready for this??

If you read this far, you know the answer to that.

Every time you make a decision that pushes you out of your comfort zone, it feels scary. 

Growth is one of the hardest things to do, but equally one of the most life-changing. 

Consider what NOT investing in this will cost you... staying stagnant, costing you time trying to figure it out, stress and frustration, making less money, spending money on tons of smaller programs that don't get you the results you desire, and being in the same place 6 months from now. 

You don't have to have all the details sorted out, but if you know you have a big vision for yourself and feel the pull to act on it, that’s exactly what tells me it’s time.

Together in this program, I will help you not only find the clarity you’re searching for but walk you through the entire process of putting all the pieces together with you. You won’t be stuck figuring this out on your own. 

I’ll be guiding you on how to create your irresistible offer, how to bundle it, price it, how to structure it, and how to sell it with ease.


This program is perfect for you if you are:

  • A wellness entrepreneur who wants to expand your business and free up your time by creating a profitable and aligned signature program
  • A coach who wants to simplify and scale with a signature offer
  • Ready to dial in your messaging for greater clarity, growth and client conversion
  • Ready to transform more lives with your unique gifts
  • Excited (and maybe a little nervous) to invest in your growth and feel truly supported on this next-level journey 
  • Ready for greater ease, freedom, confidence, and fulfillment in your business growth

This program is not the best fit for you if you:

  • Have no desire to build an online, high ticket program
  • Don't want to market yourself on social media 
  • Are unwilling to change your perspective
  • Are unable to prioritize yourself or your business at this time
  • Are looking for a get rich quick scheme or magic pill (transformation requires you to show up and do the work)

Client Love

 Kat is a wealth of knowledge and offers such good organizational systems to turn thoughts into an actual offer. 

Before working with Kat I had so many ideas but I had no idea how to make it a reality.

Kat helped me create a program that flows and organized all my ideas into one cohesive offering.

She taught me how to effectively set up a sales page, create a branding palette, and batch create content, and she helped with all the logistics that I didn't know how to tackle. (Welcome emails, mailing lists, payment systems, how to set a price point, how to identify your clients, really everything.)

She helped me see my skill set and who it could help, and showed me how to connect to those people.

She taught me how to talk to my ideal client, and how to attract them. She also gave me a great deal of confidence and clarity in what I can offer, and to who

Kat was really insightful to work with, she always gave sound marketing and sales informed advice, and she was also fun to work with. 

The time always flew by. 

Kat made me feel like I could be creative and she helped me get unstuck. 

She's a powerhouse for helping you manifest your creative ideas. She helped me to define myself and position myself as a leader. Can't say enough good things about her.

I would absolutely recommend Kat as a business coach to anyone who needs help manifesting their creative side in a real and tangible way. If you are ready to take your ideas and grow a business, you're in good hands.

I'm confident that together we can radically change your biz (and life) to your wildest dreams status.

Founder of the Wealthy & Well Woman and Be Well Events, Kat Cynewski

Kat Cynewski is a sales manager turned 6 figure business coach for wellness leaders and visionary female entrepreneurs. Host of the Wealthy & Well Woman podcast and founder of Be Well Events. She helps bold wellness leaders, coaches, and soul led women in business step into their power, monetize their magic, and scale to 6 figures and beyond in their heart centered business.


After hustling my passion on the side of my corporate sales job, I made the leap to full time yogipreneur. I was full of passion but burning myself out and still not making the money I truly desired.

I was determined to find a way that worked for me as a wellness leader that felt fulfilling AND super profitable. I learned how to bundle my expertise and grow from $1-2k months to $30k weeks while traveling and most importantly feeling the most fulfilled and FREE in my work than I ever imagined.

This made me realize even more how much of a gap in the industry there is for business and marketing that actually works while still feeling aligned and authentic, and I felt called to change that.

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping you make more money than you thought was possible while doing what you love because I know firsthand it's possible for you.

It’s time to truly step into your power and monetize your magic — are you with me?


After hustling my passion on the side of my corporate sales job, I made the scary leap to quit corporate and go all-in on my yoga business. I was full of passion but burning myself out and still not making the money I truly desired.

I was determined to find a way that worked for me as a wellness leader that felt fulfilling AND super profitable. I learned how to bundle my expertise and grow from $1-2k months to $30k weeks while traveling and most importantly feeling the most fulfilled and FREE in my work than I ever imagined.

This made me realize even more how much of a gap in the wellness industry there is for business and marketing that actually works while still feeling aligned and authentic, and I felt called to change that.

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping you make more money than you thought was possible while doing what you love because I know firsthand it's possible for you.

It’s time to truly step into your power and monetize your magic — are you with me?

Danielle, Yoga Teacher
 I've learned how to market, promote and SELL over social media and with Kat's help, I've doubled my social media following!!

The biggest non-tangible result from working with Kat has been a shift in confidence. Most importantly it was the COURAGE to be able to sell online. 

For anyone who is looking to grow their business I would 100% recommend working with Kat and her program!

Kim, Yoga for Grief Coach

My self-confidence in my business is so much higher and everything is so much clearer now with how I want to run my business. 

While working with Kat, I was able to grow my following and connect with more clients.

I gained clarity in my business and now know exactly who I'm talking to, what I'm talking about, and how to reach my ideal client.

I would absolutely recommend Kat as a business coach.

The A’s to your Q’s

Carina, Yoga Teacher

Carina built and launched her first online program that people actually wanted and needed, raised her prices, and learned to sell in a soul led way that felt good!


I’m going to leave you with this:

Ready is a decision, not a feeling.

 You can DECIDE to get the support your crave.

You can DECIDE to make moves today, not next year, on your dreams.

You can have it all! 

Are you ready?


I’m going to leave you with this:

Ready is a decision, not a feeling.

You will never feel ready to make a change.

We are naturally creatures of habit.

But you can DECIDE to make a change.

You can DECIDE to grow.

You can DECIDE to make moves today, not next year, on your goals and your dreams.

You can have it all! 

Are you ready to go all in?